The EAVCA VC Alpha Series event will take place on the side lines of the Africa Tech Summit as a forum that brings together private capital investors within the tech space to connect and share ideas on navigating the prevailing investment landscape in the Africa tech ecosystem. Some of the pertinent issues we hope to cover include:
- The aftermath of 2022 tech sector readjustment: Where does this leave the African Continent as an investment market
- The Age of AI and ChatGPT: What/ Who are the disruption forces in Africa’s tech ecosystem? Where can we begin to look at for opportunities?
- Making profitability cool again- profitability vs. scale? Are they mutually exclusive?
- The ‘X’ factor: Making bank- What returns are realistic for VC in Africa and what would drive these returns in 2023?
- Getting back into the (deal) driver’s seat: How the new environment favors VCs and in what ways can we best capitalize the businesses
Email jacklyne@eavca.org to register. RSVP is open for senior level professionals in VC. Limited spaces available.